Jonathan Rosenberg's Page
Jonathan Rosenberg's Page
Goal: $7500
Goal: $7500
$8,188.00 raised by 26 donors
$8,188.00 raised by 26 donors
Make of Car: Porsche
Model of Car: 911 Carrera
Year: 2006

Dear Friends,


I am happy to announce that I am once again participating and raising funds for this year’s Drive 4 Smiles - a unique automotive fundraiser that brings together drivers of exotic cars with the seriously ill children of the Starlight Children's Foundation Canada.

Your gift will help Starlight Canada continue to provide fun filled activities for families who face daily struggles with a seriously ill child and allow them to create lasting and positive memories to last a life time.

Every donation, no matter the size, will help these special kids and their families.

Thanks in advance for your generosity.


Donate now


Recent contributors

26 donations have been made to this participant.
Cath & Joe Reynaud
Matthew Gorelik
Neilly Kornitzer
BDO Canada
Jesse Lubin
Matt and Jill Bilmes
Erik Langburt
Cote st luc hospital for animals
Julia & Eric Grover
Robert Nadler
Tammy & Adam Saskin
Jaimie Auger
Vaillancourt Financial Services Inc.
Heidi Sklar
Mitelman Properties Inc.
Michael Marianer
Ernie Furt
Daniel Rosenberg
Dario Rahmatian
Eric Ouaknine
Steve Bentley

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