Auto Devenzo's Page
Auto Devenzo's Page
Goal: $25000
Goal: $25000
$35,950.00 raised by 32 donors
$35,950.00 raised by 32 donors
Make of Car: TBC
Model of Car: TBC
Year: TBC

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Recent contributors

32 donations have been made to this participant.
Primed Loans
Marie Pier Lavergne
Groupe Theetge
SRL Leasing
Plantes et decors veronneau
Pro Du Patio
M. Laurence
La Financière Lynx
Gymbuddy Inc
TL Mechanical
Prestige Services Inc
Pavage Jéromien
Laura Tirado
Jorge Martinez
shaker st jerome
Gestion Lan-Bri inc
Le Groupe Lgr
Jean Francois Chenail
Groupe Delsol
A Bilanto
Vapeur Clinique M.A.J.A.
Michel Roy
Jean François Audet COA
Michael Rouimy
Frantz Perpignan
Claude Lampron perso
construction Luc Lavoie inc.
Tim Haddad
Auto Devenzo inc

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